Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Letting Myself Go (Nov. 5-11)

I'm already lying about when these posts are actually posted -- this one is dated November 11th but I'm writing it on December 27th. Why the lies? I want to keep up the standard of a weekly post that includes three new photos from my camera phone every week. It's like a journal. So I'm backtracking and trying to fill in those weeks that I missed. Okay? Man. So, in honor of this week's theme, "Letting It All Go," I only have one photo that actually was taken the week of November 4th to 11th. And so, I am sharing two photos that never made the cut.

"The Cover Up"

I'm drawn to this photo, besides the subject being my girlfriend, by the contrast of motion and stillness -- the blur of her pulling the covers over her face. Caught hiding/sleeping.

The toothbrush in my bathroom has a lot of personality. The curios one is also juxtaposed with the normal, upright, run-of-the-mill toothbrush next to him. Hmmm...

Grandpa Toothbrush
Clancey! Get away from that thing!

But Grandpa...

Grandpa Toothbrush
Grandpa nothing. A toothbrush is meant to do one thing: clean teeth! Now, promise me you will stay away from that light.

It's a candle, Grandpa.

Grandpa Toothbrush
Whatever it is you will stay away from it! You don't want to burn your bristles, do you? That's all we toothbrushes have going for us -- our bristles. Once we lose them, we're done for. Like your poor mother, rest her soul. If she only knew what trouble you were getting into...

I'm sorry, Grandpa. I just get bored staying in this holder all day.

"I am an Actor in Los Angeles"
History gives us a context for the present. At the time I took this, I was caught by the lines of the windows, the soft light off the wooden floor, the reflection of the two chairs' legs -- a lot of the technical aspects. Now I notice the other chair by the far right window and I see it is my empty acting class -- a seat for the teacher and chairs for the students' scene. My class is held in a big, private room that overlooks Hollywood. Nice metaphor for an acting class.

A look back...

Funny. I broke the rules I set for myself and was more inspired to write. Hmmmm...

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