Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Best Friends (Sept. 1 to Sept. 7)

During week two of this project, I've noticed a few things. Three things, actually.
  1. People are more interesting than still lifes and landscapes.
  2. My top three photos from last week are all from the same day - a party full of drunk people doing interesting things.
  3. Following two little girls on my bicycle to get a picture for this project is uncomfortable, potentially illegal, and yields unimpressive photos.
This week's theme: Best Friends

"Best Friends"
When you're with your best friend even a dingy parking lot is still a good time. This is a prime example of a photo that's infinitely more interesting with people in it. To compare and contrast, if I took the time to Photoshop the girls out it would just be a photo of any parking garage and you may be enraged that I would display this parking lot photo as one of my top three of the week. It may further incite you to never look at this blog again, which would be incredibly hurtful to me as you are probably my girlfriend or my mother and consequently 50% of my readership. But there's people and you're supportive of whatever I do. ~Sept. 7, 2008.

"Fit for Paris"
It's not that visible from the photo, but they're reading a travel book on Paris. I can't think of two people that are more ready for Paris. She's got the fashionable sunglasses and that enviable f*ck-off air about her. He's playing the accordion. And they're settled under the shade of a tree on the sidewalk as if they planned for it. This too-cool-for-school couple portray the laid back, seemingly spontaneous yet deliberately planned lifestyle that is so Parisian it makes me sick.
~Sept. 7, 2008.

"Tough Times,
Good Friends"
The best prescription for tough times is a good friend to listen, some kleenex to keep it clean, some wine to keep you loose, and some pills to call it a night. ~Sept. 4, 2008.

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